Tuesday, October 18, 2016

What are the benefits of being an authorized user tradeline?

What are the benefits of being an authorized user?

There are many benefits to being an authorized user. First and foremost, it will appear on your credit report as if that card is yours. In almost all cases you will inherit the entire credit history of that card on your credit report. For an example, if your mother adds you as an authorized user on her 14 year old credit card, you will have a 14 year old card on your credit report. The entry will look almost identical to hers. The only difference is the "Owner" or "Responsibility" label is "Authorized User" instead of "Individual" or "Joint". You could quickly boost your score hundreds of points being added as an authorized user on a few cards.

Call us now to add some authorized user accounts to your credit report 202-213-2218 or visit tradeline411.com